
Lahanda is a village in Odisha, India. It is located in the Attabira block of Bargarh district. 
The village Lahanda with a total area of 19.72 km2 is said to be one Grampanchayat itself consisting of 13 wards. It comes under Attabira block. The population of the village is 6183. The village has 21 padas (sahi) and two revenue villages namely Nileipali and Jogipali. There are a total of 1493 families with 3126 male and 357 female population.  Literacy rate in Lahanda village is 61%. 3795 out of total 6183 population is literate here. In males the literacy rate is 68% as 2143 males out of total 3126 are literate whereas female literacy rate is 54% as 1652 out of total 3057 females are educated in this Village.
The Negative part is that illiteracy rate of Lahanda village is 38%. Here 2388 out of total 6183 persons are illiterate. Male illiteracy rate here is 31% as 983 males out of total 3126 are illiterate. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 45% and 1405 out of total 3057 females are illiterate in this village.



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